SET A1 RM19.80
SET A2 RM28.80
SET A3 RM 38.80
SET B1RM 19.80
SET B2RM 28.80
SET B3RM 38.80
SET C1RM 19.80
SET C2RM 28.80
SET C3RM 38.80
SET D1RM 19.80
SET D2RM 28.80
SET D3RM 38.80
SET E1RM 19.80
SET E2RM 28.80
SET E3RM 38.80
SET F1RM 19.80
SET F2RM 28.80
SET F3RM 38.80
SET V1 RM19.80
SET V2 RM28.80
SET V3 RM38.80
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